Request for Leave to File Amended Pleading

This template is a request for leave to file an amended pleading in a civil action in Connecticut superior court. This template includes practical guidance, drafting notes, and an optional clause. The plaintiff may amend his or her complaint as a matter of right within 30 days after the return date for the summons. See Conn. Practice Book § 10-59; Conn. Gen. Stat. § 52-128. All other amendments to the complaint or to any other pleadings (e.g., the defendant's answer) may be made only by consent of the adverse party, the adverse party's failure to object to a request for leave to amend, or a court order permitting the amendment. See Conn. Practice Book § 10-60(a); see also Conn. Gen. Stat. §§ 52-128, 52-130. If the adverse party will not provide written consent to a proposed amendment to your client's pleading, you may file a request for leave to file the amended pleading with the court. See Conn. Practice Book § 10-60(a)(3). The request must be made in writing and should comply with the general format requirements for documents filed in court. See Conn. Practice Book §§ 4-1, 4-2, 11-1(a); Formatting Rules in Court Checklist (CT). The request must be accompanied by: • The amended pleading –and– • An additional document showing the portion or portions of the original pleading to be amended with the added language underlined and the deleted language stricken through or bracketed Conn. Practice Book § 10-60(a)(3). Before filing the request with the court, you must serve the request and accompanying documents on all other parties in the manner provided in Conn. Practice Book §§ 10-12–10-17 for service of other papers after the initial complaint. For details, see Serving Documents Checklist (CT). You must then file the request and accompanying documents with the court with proof of service endorsed on the request. See Conn. Practice Book § 10-60(a)(3). Attorneys and law firms generally must electronically file (e-file) the request through the state's electronic filing (e-filing) system (Connecticut Judicial Branch E-Services), unless they obtain an exemption. See Conn. Practice Book § 4-4; E-Services Procedures and Technical Standards, § III(B). For information about e-filing, see E-filing in State Court (CT). If no party objects within 15 days from the filing date of the request, the amendment is deemed filed by consent of the adverse party. Conn. Practice Book § 10-60(a)(3). If an opposing party objects to the request or to the proposed amendment, the objecting party must file and serve a written objection within 15 days after the request was filed. The objection must specify the paragraph(s) objected to and the reasons for the request. The objection will then be placed on the short calendar list to be heard by the court. See Conn. Practice Book § 10-60(a)(3). For discussion of procedures for scheduling hearings for motions and other matters on the short calendar list. See Motion Practice: Making and Opposing a Motion (CT). For more information on amending pleadings, see Amending or Supplementing Pleadings (CT).