14 Years of the Affordable Care Act: Impact on Adults Ages 50-64

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) – now 14 years old – has played a critical role in expanding access to affordable health coverage for millions of adults ages 50 to 64, including through its health insurance Marketplaces.

These national and state fact sheets compile some key statistics about declining uninsured rates, increasing affordability, and more since the ACA became law.

Suggested Citation:
Dean, Olivia, Jane Sung, and Catelyn Middlebrooks. 14 Years of the Affordable Care Act: Impact on Adults Ages 50-64. Washington, DC: AARP Public Policy Institute, May 7, 2024. https://doi.org/10.26419/ppi.00229.001

older man sitting in wheelchair, using laptop for telehealth appointment with doctors.

This paper assesses changes in telehealth use from 2019 to 2021 among people younger than 65 who are enrolled in private, employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) plans, which insure nearly two-thirds of Americans under age 65.

Woman consulting doctor using telehealth

Telehealth services are a better for some health care needs than in-person visits, say Americans 50-plus. Most feel comfortable using telehealth services.

Shot of a <a href=mature couple looking worried while going through paperwork together at home" width="1140" height="655" />

This Spotlight report describes Medicare’s enrollment rules, the situations in which late-enrollment penalties apply (and when they don’t), how many people are paying these penalties, and who is most likely to incur penalties.

Older man sitting down with a headache

The AARP District of Columbia Health Disparities Survey found that older DC residents east and west of the Anacostia River face stark health disparities.